The Detroit Regional Partnership is the single-point-of-contact to navigate Southeast Michigan’s workforce ecosystem.

The DRP serves as a talent concierge and single-point-of-contact for companies looking to launch or expand in the 11-county Detroit Region. Our differentiator is a dedicated team focused solely on data-driven talent solutions based on business needs. We are prepared to help businesses understand and navigate our workforce, facilitating connections with partners to ensure rapid talent identification and staffing.

Providing timely and accurate business intelligence and workforce analysis
We provide workforce analysis and business intelligence by industry and occupation, which helps companies quickly assess how the Detroit Region’s talent can meet their needs.
Connecting to workforce agencies and funding
The DRP connects companies with the public workforce agencies, staffing firms, and education and training providers throughout the Detroit Region that are essential to identifying top-tier talent and hiring them. We offer expertise on how to access and apply to available training, programs, and funding essential to cultivating future skilled talent.
Accessing diverse, often untapped, talent pools
Our talent solutions team has workforce partners adept at working with a wide variety of populations essential to broadening access to talent and developing a diverse staff.
Offering expert insights to become an employer of choice in the region
We provide guidance on location, wages, benefit offerings, and much more to help a company stand out among competitors as the place where talent wants to work.
“Our alliance with the Detroit Regional Partnership has been an amazing experience. We’ve grown from 250 employees to 520. So, our [partnership] has definitely helped us find talent in pools we probably wouldn’t have thought to connect with.”

– Taneisha Upshaw, Highland Park HR Manager, Yanfeng

Michigan provides more than $220 million in workforce development funding to upskill and retrain our workers.

Going PRO Talent Fund

Awards employers for customized, short-term training for current and new employees.

Leading EV Production

Michigan leads in identifying current and future needs for electric vehicle production and helps create a targeted recruitment pool.

Michigan New Jobs Training Program

Provides a mechanism for employers to fund training for new employees via the community college system.