RFP – Strategic process facilitation, Build Back Better Regional Challenge

Detroit Regional Partnership is seeking strategic facilitation support related to the Build Back Better Regional Challenge. All interested parties should submit proposals by 12/17/2021 to Sarah Gregory at sarah.gregory@detroitregionalpartnership.com. Submitted proposals should include “Proposal for Detroit Regional Partnership BBBRC Facilitation and Project Design” in the email subject line in order to be considered. Full details about this opportunity, including information regarding the bidder’s Q&A conference can be accessed here.

An amendment to the original RFP was posted on December 21,2021, extending the submission deadline to December 28.  CLICK HERE to view full details for the amended RFP.

A bidder’s question and answer session was held on Dec. 13 at 2:30 p.m. You can access the questions and answers here.