Detroit Region a Finalist in the EDA’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge, Set to Compete for up to $100 Million

Today, the Detroit Regional Partnership (DRP) announced that it has successfully applied for a $500,000 planning grant and advanced to Phase 2 of the Economic Development Administration’s $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge. A coalition led by the DRP will compete as one of 60 nationwide finalists for up to $100 million per grantee in American Rescue Plan Act funds for transformational economic programs that grow new industries or scale existing ones. Featured image from DRP.

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RFP – Grant Accounting Services, Build Back Better Regional Challenge

Detroit Regional Partnership is seeking grant accounting services related to the Build Back Better Regional Challenge. All interested parties should submit proposals by 12/23/2021 to Tesia Mamassian at .

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RFP – Strategic Process Facilitation, Build Back Better Regional Challenge

Detroit Regional Partnership is seeking strategic facilitation support related to the Build Back Better Regional Challenge. All interested parties should submit proposals by 12/28/2021 to Sarah Gregory at .

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Discover “Logistics” in the Detroit Region

The Detroit Region has always been a leader and innovator of moving people, products, and goods around the world, allowing it to become the logistics powerhouse it is today. The Region offers expansive transportation resources, allowing companies unparalleled access to customers, suppliers, talent, and both U.S. and Canadian markets. Featured image from stock.

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Exploring Smart Manufacturing in the Detroit Region

The Detroit Regional Partnership’s (DRP) seven-industry cluster program received the C2ER Research Award for Project Impact in its first year. In keeping with current industry trends, data for each cluster is being updated and re-launched on the DRP website. The Detroit Region is a world leader in innovating how goods and products are made, leading the integration of new technology into advanced manufacturing.

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Deep Dive: Digital Tech Industry Cluster

Deep dive into DRP's Digital Tech industry cluster   CLUSTER INTRO: The Detroit Regional Partnership's (DRP) seven-industry cluster program received the C2ER Research Award for Project Impact in its first year. In keeping with current industry trends, data...

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Detroit Regional Partnership Hosts Site Selectors Guild

Detroit Regional Partnership Hosts Site Selectors Guild   Earlier this month, the Detroit Regional Partnership partnered with the Site Selectors Guild and Michigan Economic Development Corporation to host national site selectors from various industry sectors for...

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Detroit Regional Partnership hires three new team members

Detroit Regional Partnership New Team Members to Help Expand Business Development and Retention Services, Prospect Engagement Organization adds talent solutions director, lead generation and market strategist, marketing manager as it serves as single point of contact...

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Exploring the Mobility & Automotive Industry Cluster

Exploring the Mobility & Automotive Industry Cluster   CLUSTER INTRO: The Detroit Regional Partnership's (DRP) seven-industry cluster program received the C2ER Research Award for Project Impact in its first year. In keeping with current industry trends, data...

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