Partners of the movers and makers.
The strongest partnerships happen when both parties find a path and a place to visualize and achieve their goals. At the Detroit Regional Partnership, our initiatives are creating a worldwide ripple effect that begins in Detroit. We are 11 counties, 2.6 million workers, and zero boundaries. Intentionally attracting, marketing, and sustaining opportunity for all. We are a global partner synonymous with success, and synchronized at every step.
Who We Are
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What We Do
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Why It's Important
How You Can Help

When you invest in the DRP, you are investing in the future of the Detroit Region. You are joining a network of our region’s movers and shakers, who are all dedicated to making an impact in our community. And together, we are leading the way forward and creating a foundation of success for the generations to come.

Our Signature Initiatives

The Detroit Regional Partnership leads several major economic development programs in the Detroit Region. VIP by DRP simplifies the site selection process by cataloging development-ready properties in the region, while GEM is an initiative to accelerate the growth of the region’s advanced mobility sector–fueled by a $52.2 million grant from the EDA. Together, these programs are driving the Detroit Region into the future.

Become A "Partner" Today
Fill out your information and a member of the Detroit Regional Partnership will contact you.